Tired of French tomatoes, tired of summer: 5 recipes to see you through September

Von Valentine Benoist

Here at Taste France Magazine, we never get enough of French tomatoes. Naked, roasted, as a starter or in dessert… From the first days of summer to September, we live the tomato season to the fullest - eating some everyday and cooking them in every possible way. To help you enjoy the last of it, here’s a round-up of our favourite tomato recipes.

Tired of French tomatoes, tired of summer: 5 recipes to see you through September

Tomato and Tapenade Tart

A very puffy, very South-of-France savoury tart. Freshly roasted tomatoes and intense tapenade - a traditional olive spread made of Nyons Black Olives PDO, capers, anchovies and garlic - is a match made in Provence. For a no-brainer version, you can buy tasty ready-made tapenade. This tart also doubles up as the most convenient leftover lunch, as it’s delicious eaten cold the next day too.

Savoury Tomato and French Cheese Muffins

In this French version of the classic muffins, cherry tomatoes are paired with Ossau-Iraty, a robust unpasteurised sheep's milk cheese from the southwest of France, between the Basque Country and Bearn. With a subtle hint of Espelette pepper - the only spice to have PDO status in all of Europe - they will be a big hit at your next picnic in the park!

Gluten-free Tomato Gazpacho

Queen of summer soups, we created this take on the Spanish classic gazpacho to celebrate the launch of  the Spanish version of Taste France Magazine! It works wonders with sun-ripened, flavourful French tomatoes and is also gluten-free, with chickpeas perfectly playing the stale bread part.

A breeze to make, your blender will do most of the work for you. And for a step-by-step video, head over here : https://www.instagram.com/p/CQyzLMMi_x4/

Roasted Rainbow French Tomatoes Salad

Inspired by the Italian panzanella, this salad has it all: colourful, juicy roasted tomatoes, crunchy rustic croûtons to mop up all the good juices, and salty tomme de brebis cheese to round it all up. A firm summer favourite that is great eaten on its own or as a side dish.

French Plum, Tomato, and Apricot Tartlets

As you most certainly know, tomatoes are fruits and not vegetables, which make them the ideal candidate for these cute little tartlets. The acidity of the tomatoes, the mildness of apricots and the sweet melting plums complement each other perfectly, and the pesto adds a surprising touch to the whole thing.

Serve them warm from the oven, and throw in a spoonful of creme fraiche for extra deliciousness.

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