What’s to love about Loire Valley wines?

Por Christelle Zamora

Here are 4 good reasons to love Loire Valley Wines

Château de la Grille and glass of Chinon wine

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Incredibly refined 

Loire Valley wines are tight-rope walkers, featuring the perfect balance between a sweet finish and a touch of acidity. Despite their masterful balance, these wines are not at all pretentious. In fact, they are the embodiment of refinement. The aromas of these wines are not overly bold, offering instead a range of subtle hints of flavor not unlike the many hues a painter uses on a canvas.  


Incredibly refreshing 

These wines’ refreshing flavors originate in the powerful river that flows through the region. This translates into wonderful “drinkability.” In fact, Loire Valley wines are said to be lively, light, and fresh. In other words, these wines are amazingly modern. 


Authentic fruit flavor 

During the wine making process, Loire Valley wine growers take care to preserve the grape as best as possible by harvesting it at the peak of maturity and only when it’s ready. The secret to the wine’s subtle acidity and future aromas lies in this incredible fruit.  


Delicately floral 

The grape’s floral environment is reflected in the wine as well. The skin of the grapes captures these floral fragrances, while the vine's sap conveys the unique character of the wine's terroir.

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