Egg, Ham, and Camembert Breakfast Sandwich
15 min
Average: 4.3 (7 valoraciones)

Egg, Ham, and Camembert Breakfast Sandwich

Get your morning off to a mouthwatering start with this easy breakfast egg sandwich rich with Camembert and jambon blanc and balanced with a caper mayonnaise flecked with aromatic herbes de Provence. 

Zutaten Für

  • Jambon
    Premium-Kochschinken Label Rouge
    4 slices Zum Produkt
  • 0.50 cup
  • 2 Tbsp
  • x 2
  • Herbs of Provence Label Rouge
    Kräuter der Provence Label Rouge
    0.25 tsp Zum Produkt
  • Butter
    Butter aus Charentes-Poitou AOP
  • 2 mini
  • Camembert Cheese on green background
    Camembert aus der Normandie
    2 ounces Zum Produkt



Mix the mayonnaise, capers, and herbes de Provence in a small bowl. 

© ©BrakeThrough Media


Melt the butter in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Crack the eggs into the pan and sprinkle with a pinch of salt and pepper. Gently break the yolks. Cook until the whites and yolks are beginning to set, about 2 minutes. Flip the eggs and then lay the cheese on the eggs. Cook until the cheese starts to soften, and the yolks are jammy, about 1 more minute. 

© ©BrakeThrough Media


Spread the herbed caper mayonnaise on the bottom and top of each roll. Arrange 2 ham slices per sandwich on the bottom roll. Add an egg on top. Close the roll. 

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