Lentils Hummus
35 mín
Average: 3.8 (158 valoraciones)

Puy Lentil Hummus

Spread this hummus on anything and everything! 

Tiempo de preparación

15 mín

Ingredientes Para

  • Puy Lentils (PDO)
    Lenteja de Puy DOP
  • PDO Espelette Pepper
    Piment d’Espelette DOP
  • 25 ml
  • 1 leaf
  • White Garlic
    Ajo blanco de Drôme IGP
  • 25 g
  • Olive oil and blue background
    Aceite de oliva DOP Vallée des Baux-de-Provence
  • 1 g



Place the lentils in a pot with three cups of water and the bay leaf. Bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes at low heat. Drain. Set aside a bit of the water for use later. Remove the bay leaf. 


Add the lentils, the remaining amount of cooking liquid, lemon juice, cumin, almond butter, salt, and Espelette pepper to a blender. Blend together, adding small amount of olive oil until the hummus becomes creamy. 


Check the seasoning. Spoon into a serving bowl and refrigerate for 1 hour.  


Top with a pinch of Espelette pepper. 

Para ser emparejado con

Complementary drinks: Arbois Blanc, Côte-du-Jura Blanc. 

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