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Remoulade sauce

Por La Cuisine de Géraldine , Food Blogger

Remoulade sauce is a mayonnaise-based sauce seasoned with capers, pickles, Dijon mustard and fresh herbs.

Ingredientes Para

  • 230 g
  • Creme fraiche in a bowl
    Crème Fraîche d'Isigny & Crème Fraîche de Bresse DOP
  • PGI Burgundy mustard
    Mostaza de Bourgogne IGP
  • x 2
  • 1 tsp
  • 1 bunch
  • 1 bunch
  • x 1



Finely cut the pickles and capers.


Chop the parsley and chives.


In a bowl, mix the mayonnaise, creme fraiche and mustard, pickles, capers, parsley, chives and a few drops of lemon juice. Add salt and pepper.


Mix well.

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