4 tips for cooking your cabbage

Par Keda Black

Are you worried by the thought of being locked down with just a Brussels sprout in your fridge? Don’t despair. Brussels sprouts and their family are an extraordinary source of vitamins and are the basis of countless delightful recipes. Discover our four recommendations to brighten up the winter. 

4 tips pour des choux au top

Tip 1: Make your Brussels sprouts crunchy

Cut the sprouts in half and fry them in oil at a high temperature on the flat side. Once they are browned, turn them over, remove excess oil, add some butter and salt and, if you like, some honey, and continue to cook on a lower heat until they are soft. Everyone will be wanting second helpings.


Tip 2: Be daring and try stuffed kale

This rustic dish is simpler and lighter than it may appear. Immerse a kale in salted boiling water for 5 minutes. Rinse it in cold water and gently remove the core. Chop it finely with an onion, 60 g of soft bread, flat-leaved parsley and dill. Add 300g of sausage meat or minced veal and stuff the kale. Close it up using the outside leaves and tie it together. Brown it in oil in a casserole dish. Pour a dash of vinegar over it and 1 liter of vegetable stock. Cover and cook for an hour at 180°C, and then for a further 20 minutes at 210°C having removed the lid. “Dinner is ready!”


Tip 3: Spice up red cabbage

It thrives off spices and condiments with a bite! Fry it up with a pinch of allspice to eat with meatballs, or serve raw, very thinly sliced, with slices of citron, dry shavings of ewe’s milk Tomme, toasted hazelnuts and olive oil...


Tip 4: Awaken the kohlrabi

Pick a smooth and tender one. Cut it on a mandoline, and then season it generously with olive oil vinaigrette with a little mustard and lots of chopped flat-leaved parsley. Serve it as a side dish with roasted marrowbone and slices of well-toasted sourdough.


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