10 mín
Average: 3.6 (8 valoraciones)

Ploughman’s sandwich with a French twist

Por MyLondonFairyTales , Influencer

The best of both worlds and so easy to put together! Perfect for a WHF lunch.

Tiempo de preparación

10 mín

Ingredientes Para

  • x 1
  • Jambon
    Jamón cocido superior Label Rouge
  • x 1
  • 1 handfull
  • 1 handfull
  • 4 leaves



Slice the baguette lengthwise.


Spread a generous layer of butter on both sides of the baguette.


On one side on the baguette, arrange the ham, cheese, gherkins, salad leaves and cherry tomatoes.


Close with the other baguette half and slice the sandwich crosswise into two equal portions.

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