Flan Pâtissier
1 h 15 mín
Average: 4.3 (119 valoraciones)

French Custard Tart

Discover the recipe for a thick, super gourmet French custard Tart. A thick and creamy custard with a delicious vanilla taste: like at the bakery!

Ingredientes Para

  • 1 block of
  • 1 L
  • 100 g
  • 80 g
  • x 2
  • x 1
  • Vanilla
    Vainilla de Tahití



Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F).


Butter and flour a cake ring. Place it on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Roll out the flaky pastry to a thickness of 3 mm (0.1 inches). Place in the ring. Prick with a fork.


Slice the vanilla pod in two and remove the seeds.


Pour 750 ml (25 fl oz) of milk into a saucepan, add the sugar and vanilla, and bring to the boil.


Whisk the eggs, yolk and cornstarch together in a bowl.


Slowly pour the boiling milk over the egg mixture, whisking continually. Whisk continually to thicken the mixture.


Return the mixture in the saucepan to the heat, constantly stirring until the mixture thickens and acquires the consistency of a pastry cream.


Pour the cream onto the tart base and bake for 35 minutes.

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