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Mussels with fermented black beans and holy basil

Recipes for a Vibrant Chinese New Year Celebration

Ingredientes Para

  • Moules
    Mejillones de Bouchot
  • White Garlic
    Ajo blanco de Drôme IGP
    15 minced Ver la ficha
  • 15 minced
  • Traditional shallots
    Chalota tradicional
    15 minced Ver la ficha
  • 5 minced
  • 20 gr
  • 10 g
  • 10 g
  • 40 ml
  • Butter
    Mantequilla de Charentes-Poitou DOP
  • 5 g



In a medium sauce pan over medium heat, add a bit of oil and add clams

© Austin Hu


Swirl pan and add in garlic, ginger, shallots and chili. Saute 2 minutes. Add black beans and dried chili. Saute 1 minute. 

© Austin Hu


Add basil, toss, and then deglaze with huangjiu or sherry. Reduce to sec. 


Add cream and reduce slightly. Remove from heat and swirl in butter. Plate and top with chopped scallions

© Austin Hu

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