Duck Breast with soy sauce
30 mín
Average: 3.4 (8 valoraciones)

Duck breast with soy sauce

Don’t fear the fat; most of it will render, leaving a deliciously crisp browned layer on top.

Tiempo de preparación

15 mín

Ingredientes Para

  • 50 g
  • 30 g
  • 30 g
  • 5 ml
  • 25 ml
  • 10 ml
  • Olive oil and blue background
    Aceite de oliva DOP Vallée des Baux-de-Provence
  • Butter
    Mantequilla de Charentes-Poitou DOP
  • White Garlic
    Ajo blanco de Drôme IGP
  • しょう油
    Salsa Soya
    0.10 ml



Slice the duck breast, remove the seeds and cut the red pepper and onion into cubes, chop the garlic. 

© ©Samuel Wu


Stir-fry the vegetables in a hot pan and take them out for standby 

© ©Samuel Wu


Stir-fry chopped garlic with medium-high heat, add duck breast and a little Anisette and stir fry them together. 

© ©Samuel Wu


Add the sweet bean sauce, mix with the vegetables, season with wine vinegar, soy sauce, salt and pepper, and finally add some butter before serving. 

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