Sainte Maure de Touraine PDO
Centre-Val de Loire
With Protected Designation of Origin status since 1996, this very mild, soft, raw goat’s cheese is characterised not just by its log shape but also by its centre. A strand of rye straw marked with the designation and the name of the producer runs through it from end to end. A sign of recognition and also a way of handling the cheese while it matures. Smart!
What you need to know
Praised by François Rabelais, cited by Honoré de Balzac, Sainte Maure de Touraine has a long history. Luckily, its production is shorter. Once the milk from the Alpine, Saanen or Poitevine goats has been collected, a small amount of rennet is added to coagulate it. Around 24 hours later, the resulting curd is poured into perforated moulds to enable it to drain. The next day, the fromages frais are removed from their moulds, pierced with a rye straw, and then salted and ashed. Then they just need to be placed in a cool, humid and ventilated ripening room for a minimum of eight days…
Editor's note
How to use
Take the Sainte Maure de Touraine out of the fridge 30 minutes before serving.
Sainte Maure de Touraine is best enjoyed uncooked, on a cheese platter or as topping for a chilled cucumber soup, for example.
Pair with
Granary bread, green asparagus, peas, figs, pears, dried fruit… For wines, good choices would be a Chinon or Cheverny white.