Pont l'Eveque square-shaped cheese is made with milk from Normande cows. Its light-yellow colored washed rind smells strongly of hay. Once you bite into the pont l'eveque cheese, however, you'll discover its creamy and soft texture and sweet, subtle flavor.
What you need to know
Pont l'Eveque is easy to spot by its square shape and slightly yellow rind, which was adopted in the 18th century to distinguish the cheese from Livarot, another famous Normandy cheese made in Pays d'Auge, as well as from Camembert! It takes 3.5 liters of milk to create a 12 ounce portion of cheese after the 21-day aging process. During this time, the cheese is washed or brushed with slightly salty water to create the characteristic light-yellow rind. The cheese is turned on its wicker tray, or clayette, several times to ensure it dries evenly. After 21 days, it is wrapped in paper and placed in a wooden box before it is sold. This cheese is a light yellow, with a creamy and soft texture interspersed with small air pockets.
Nutritional benefits
Rich in phosphorus, calcium, and zinc. On average, 21 g of protein and 22.4 g of fat per 3.5 ounces.
Editor's note
Pair with
Sweet: hazelnuts, figs, and apples.
Savory: potatoes, leeks, mussels, and Vire andouille sausage.