Fast & Gourmand with Jamie Spafford - SORTEDfood

Fast & Gourmand with Jamie Spafford - SORTEDfood

Tell us who you are, what you do?  

My name is Jamie Spafford, I’m one of the co-founders of SORTEDfood - onscreen I specialise in finding big flavours and big portions, offscreen I look after our comms and partnerships. 

Name 3 products you always have in your kitchen  

Eggs - so versatile, they can be taken in any direction 
Hot sauce - such an easy way to elevate anything and add some ‘zing’ to it! 
Garlic - The original flavour enhancer, you can never use too much garlic! 

Name the best thing you’ve taste, and the worst  

Best thing - Landing in Austin, Texas after a long delayed flight, I was taken to a highly recommended BBQ joint and presented with my first true taste of Texas Brisket… It was so tender, juicy and the best flavoured beef I’d ever had! 

Worst thing - We make a series of videos called Poker Face, where we’re asked to eat something ridiculous and not react to it… One of the dishes was a cheesecake flavoured with Bittrex - the most bitter substance in the world. Nothing could remove that flavour from my mouth for hours afterwards, as it just made everything taste ridiculously bitter! 

Are there any French products that you use on regular basis?  

I love a touch of Dijon mustard on any number of dishes, instantly adding a massive kick if flavour and heat! 

Name your favorite French restaurant  

Any traditional French bakery serving fresh bread and pastries 

According to you, what is the ultimate French classic meal?  

Really can’t beat a rich, comforting Boeuf Bourguignon - it may not be traditional, but I’d also serve it with Potato Dauphinoise!

Is there any typical French meal or product that you’ve always wanted to try (and not have the occasion yet)?   

As stereotypical as it sounds, I’ve still never tried Frogs Legs! 

On what occasion would you drink wine?  

If the day ends with a ‘y’, I’ll happily drink wine! But will always spend a bit more on a nice bottle on a weekend or for a special occasion. 

Do you have a favorite French region for wine?  

I recently spent a lovely holiday around Bordeaux and found some fantastic red wines, but I’m also partial to some Provençal rosés! 

To conclude, if you had to name 1 typical meal from your country that every one should try, what would it be? 

You’ve not lived until you’ve had a traditional Full English Breakfast from a ‘greasy spoon’ breakfast cafe! 

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