JLT Sandwich
15 mín
Average: 4.8 (13 valoraciones)

Bayonne ham, Lettuce and Tomato Sandwich

The classic BLT sandwich revisited

Ingredientes Para

  • x 4
  • 5 ml
  • Bayonne Ham
    Jamón de Bayona IGP
  • x 2
  • Iceberg_lettuce
    Iceberg Lettuce
    x 4
  • x 4
  • Olive oil and blue background
    Aceite de oliva DOP Vallée des Baux-de-Provence



Wash lettuce, dry and cut into thin shreds. Slices tomatoes into ½ inch thick

© ©BrakeThrough Media


Toast bread until golden color.

© ©BrakeThrough Media


Spread each slice with 1 tbsp mayonnaise mixed with chopped rosemary 

© ©BrakeThrough Media


Top with Bayon ham, tomatoes and lettuce seasoned with extra virgin olive oil and grounded pepper.

© ©BrakeThrough Media


Cut in half and serve

© ©BrakeThrough Media

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