Bauerfrühstück mit Piment d’Espelette
Average: 3.3 (21 valoraciones)

Farmer’s breakfast with Piment d’Espelette

Por Laura Lammel, Blogger

Spicy and colorful recipe that is prepared right in the pan!

Tiempo de preparación

20 mín

Ingredientes Para

  • 1 kg
  • x 2
  • x 1
  • 100 gr
  • x 1
  • Olive oil and blue background
    Aceite de oliva DOP Vallée des Baux-de-Provence
  • PDO Espelette Pepper
    Piment d’Espelette DOP
  • 1 tbsp



Slice the potatoes. 


Heat a little oil in a pan, add the potatoes and sauté them. Chop the bell pepper and mushrooms into pieces, then peel and slice the onions. Next, add all the ingredients to the fried potatoes and sauté them together. 


Meanwhile, prepare to poach the eggs by filling a saucepan with water, adding the vinegar and bringing it to the boil. Keep tossing the potatoes and vegetables in the pan so that nothing burns. Season the potatoes and vegetables with Piment d’Espelette and a little salt and pepper. 


Now poach the eggs. Carefully crack an egg into a cup, ensuring that the yolk stays intact. By now, the vinegar and water should be simmering. Reduce to a low heat so that the water is only bubbling very gently. Stir the vinegar and water with a whisk until you create a whirlpool. Very slowly and carefully, slide the egg into the whirlpool and allow it to cook for approximately four minutes, so that the yolk remains soft. The poached egg is ready when the consistency of the white is such that it is wrapped around the soft yolk, holding it together.  


Now lift the poached egg out of the water using a slotted spoon, allow it to drain and place it on top of your farmer’s breakfast.  

A fried egg works just as well if preferred. 


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