Tartine mit Birne und Käse
15 mín
Average: 5 (3 valoraciones)

Pear & Cheese Tartine

Por veggielicious , Blogger

Bread lovers will adore this warm and flavourful version of Abendbrot, a German evening bread custom. Who could resist a topping that combines fruity pears, tangy cheese, dark pine honey and spicy Espelette pepper?

Tiempo de preparación

15 mín

Ingredientes Para

  • TFM_Poire Française
    Pera francesa
  • 200 g
  • x 0.50
  • Butter
    Mantequilla de Charentes-Poitou DOP
    3 tablespoons Ver la ficha
  • PDO Vosges Pine Honey
    Miel de abeto de los Vosgos DOP
    8 tablespoons Ver la ficha
  • PDO Espelette Pepper
    Piment d’Espelette DOP
  • 3 sprigs



Lay out all your ingredients

© @veggielicious.de


Cut 4 thick slices of bread from the loaf and spread with butter

© veggielicious.de


Wash, quarter and core the pears, then cut the quarters into thin wedges. Cut the cheese into slices

© veggielicious.de


Preheat the oven to 220°C/200°C fan oven. Place the slices of bread next to each other on a baking tray lined with baking paper, then top with the pears and cheese. Sprinkle on the thyme and drizzle with the honey. Put the tray in the oven and bake the bread for 5-8 minutes, until golden brown

© veggielicious.de


Remove from the oven and sprinkle with Espelette pepper.
Preparation time approx. 15 minutes


© veggielicious.de

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