Veggie tacos puy lentils
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Veggie tacos with Puy lentils

Are veggie guests coming for lunch? Why not try our Puy green lentil tacos with pepper and tomato salsa? A super-simple, stress-free recipe where the lentils can be cooked in advance. The assembly is done at the last minute.  

Tiempo de preparación

30 mín

Ingredientes Para

  • x 12
  • 1 Jar
  • Puy Lentils (PDO)
    Lenteja de Puy DOP
  • 50 gr
  • 100 gr
  • 6 sprigs



Place the lentils in a pan of cold water. Add a peeled and halved onion, a peeled garlic clove, and a bouquet garni. Cook over a medium heat for 30 minutes. The lentils should be tender. 


Drain and place in a dish. Season with salt and pepper.  


Prepare the tacos. Mix the lentils with the corn kernels. Add half the salsa sauce. Top the tacos with a little of the lentil mixture and a little of the salsa sauce.  


Sprinkle with the cheddar cheese. Chop the coriander leaves and sprinkle over the tacos.  
Serve immediately. 

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