chutney de figue photos
30 mín
Average: 3.3 (21 valoraciones)

Fig Chutney

Por La Cuisine de Géraldine , Food Blogger

This fig chutney is ideal to be served with a cheese platter or foie gras. It brings a touch of sweetness while remaining slightly tangy.

Tiempo de preparación

30 mín

Ingredientes Para

  • 500 g
  • x 1
  • 100 ml
  • Sucre CANNE
    Azúcar de caña de la Guadalupe



Wash the figs and cut them into quarters. Chop the red onion. Grate the ginger. 


In a casserole, add the figs, red onion, dry white vinegar, cane sugar, ginger, salt and pepper. 


Cook over a low heat for 2 hours. 


Coarsely blend the chutney and leave to cool. Serve with a cheese platter or foie gras.

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