Similar to escargots, many other French delicacies get a bad rep outside of the country – and frogs’ legs are no exception. However, contrary to popular belief, frogs’ legs is one of France’s most beloved dishes, with history dating back to medieval times.

We know what you’re thinking – still not convinced. Hear us out! If you like chicken wings, escargots, or other classic French dishes, there’s a good chance that you’ll probably enjoy a hearty dose of cuisses de grenouille, too. We’re breaking down ten of the most commonly asked questions about frogs’ legs in this quick two-minute explainer, here. Who knows where your taste buds may lead you next…
Do French people actually eat Frogs’ Legs?
Yes! While French people might not eat them everyday for lunch, Frogs’ legs are an extremely common delicacy in French cuisine. Elsewhere in the world, they are equally appreciated in Chinese cuisine, as well as the cuisines of Vietnam, Indonesia, Portugal, Spain, and beyond.
How does one say frogs’ legs in French?
Frogs’ legs are referred to as cuisses de grenouille in French.
What is the history behind the French eating frogs’ legs?
It’s believed that French monks began eating frogs’ legs around the 12th century during Lent, as their flesh was not deemed as meat, so therefore, were acceptable to consume during the time of Lent.
Where are frogs’ legs popular?
Frogs’ legs are consumed all over France, though they are especially popular in the eastern portion of the country, specifically in the Vosges department.
What do frogs’ legs taste like and how are they made?
Frog legs are often compared to chicken wings, as their texture and structure are quite similar. The actual taste of frogs’ legs depends on how they’re prepared, though the most common styles of which are frying them in a light batter or sautéeing them with garlic, butter, and parsley.
Are frogs’ legs good for you?
Yes! Frog legs are high in protein, vitamin A, potassium, and omega-3 fatty acid, the latter of which may help lower blood pressure.
Can frogs’ legs be bad for you?
The legs, no – however, the remaining parts of the frog (including the skin) are prone to toxins, which can render them extremely dangerous for human consumption.
Do frogs’ legs move on the plate?
Surprisingly, sometimes! Frog legs do not experience rigor mortis as fast as other animals, so reheating their flesh can cause slight twitches or movements from the legs on the plate.
How many frogs’ legs are consumed each year?
According to The Local, approximately 80 million pairs of frog legs are consumed in France annually.
Are frogs’ legs kosher?
No, as all meat from reptiles and amphibians are not permitted in kosher diets. Additionally, frogs’ legs are also forbidden in halal diets. On the contrary, frogs’ legs were not considered meat during medieval times, making them acceptable for Christians to eat during Lent.
Next time you’re in France (or feeling adventurous at home), order a feast of frogs’ legs and taste the delicacy for yourself!
