Burgundy Spritz
10 min
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Burgundy Spritz

By Géraldine Leverd, Food Blogger

You already know the Kir Royal? Then discover the Burgundy Spritz, a more refreshing and less alcoholic version to accompany your summer evenings, featuring the unique crème de cassis!

Ingredients For

  • 80 ml
  • Crème de cassis
    Crème de Cassis
  • 50 ml



Cool your glasses by rotating an ice cube in each glass. Remove the melted ice cube and add fresh ice cubes.


Pour the crème de cassis, the Crémant de Bourgogne and the sparkling water.

© ©La Cuisine de Géraldine


Stir well to allow the aromas to mix well. Finish with a sprig of thyme.

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