Beef Tenderloin with roquefort sauce
25 min
Average: 3.5 (2 valoraciones)

Steak Frites with Roquefort sauce

Time for steak-frites! A sumptuous piece of French fillet of beef pan-fried and topped with a rich Roquefort sauce for a simple and chic lunch!  


15 min

Zutaten Für

  • x 2
  • A slice of Roquefort cheese
    Roquefort AOP (geschützte Ursprungsbezeichnung)
  • Creme fraiche in a bowl
    Crème fraîche (AOP)
  • 60 gr



Cut the cheese into small pieces and place in a saucepan.  


Add the crème fraîche and heat, stirring constantly for a few minutes. Season with pepper. Set aside. 


Season meat with salt and pepper. Melt the butter in a frying pan and place the steaks on top. Baste constantly with butter, using a spoon.  


Place the meat on a board, remove the bard and cover with aluminum foil. Let rest for 5 minutes.  


Place steaks on plates, top with Roquefort sauce. Serve with French fries.

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