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Average: 4.7 (3 valoraciones)

Apple and prune cobbler

A little less famous than the crumble, the cobbler is the fruit dessert you can enjoy in any season. Here, apples have been baked with brown sugar and butter, and Agen prunes (which are also very healthy) have been added.  

The cobbler dough will give the perfect crunchy touch to this dessert. Serve with heavy cream, a must!

Zutaten Für

  • For fruit
  • Sucre CANNE
    Rohrzucker aus Guadeloupe
    2 tablespoons Zum Produkt
  • Butter
    Butter aus Charentes-Poitou AOP
  • x 3
  • Agen prunes PGI
    Agen-Pflaumen IGP
  • For the dough
  • Butter
    Butter aus Charentes-Poitou AOP
  • Sarrasin
    Farine de blé noir de Bretagne IGP
  • Sucre CANNE
    Rohrzucker aus Guadeloupe
  • x 1
  • 1 tablespoon
  • 15 gr



Peel the apples, remove the core and dice the flesh. Pit prunes.


Heat a frying pan with butter and fry the apples for 5 minutes over medium heat, then add the sugar. Continue cooking for 5 minutes and add the prunes. Stir and finish cooking for 5 minutes.


Prepare the cobbler dough: mix the flour and yeast. In another bowl, mix the butter with the sugar. The mixture should be creamy. Add the flour and yeast to the mixture. Stir in the egg and almond powder until the mixture is smooth.


Place the fruit in a gratin dish and spread the pastry over it. Slide into an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes, until the crust is golden.


Serve with crème fraiche.

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