Home-made Ice Cream
15 min
Average: 3.7 (6 valoraciones)

Homemade Ice Cream Recipe (Without Machine)

Get ready for a delicious summer treat with our easy homemade ice cream recipe. Perfectly complemented by the tangy twist of roasted French apricots, it’s a taste of France in every spoonful. No ice cream maker? No problem! Our delicious summer fruit recipe doesn’t require an ice cream machine, making it a fun activity to share with the kids.


Variations on the Recipe

Try vanilla beans, honey or fresh fruit puree in your ice cream base. For a deeper flavour, add in crushed nuts, chocolate chips or a swirl of caramel or jam before freezing.


Tips for Making Perfect Homemade Ice Cream

Stir every 15 minutes to break up any ice crystals. Use full fat cream for a richer flavour and don’t skip the lemon zest – it adds a refreshing brightness!


Serving Ideas

Top with crushed nuts, fresh mint leaves or a drizzle of honey.


Storing Your Ice Cream

Keep your homemade ice cream in an airtight container to prevent ice crystals forming. For the best taste and texture, enjoy your ice cream within a week.

Temps de préparation

15 min

Ingrédients Pour

  • Creme fraiche in a bowl
    Crème Fraîche d'Isigny & Crème Fraîche de Bresse AOP
  • 150 ml
  • x 150
  • Butter
    Beurre AOP Charentes-Poitou
  • x 1
  • Apricots
    Abricots français
  • x 1
  • 1 tbsp



Whip the Isigny crème fraîche with the single cream, sugar and lemon zest. Pour into a dish and set aside in the freezer for 3 or 4 hours, stirring every 15 minutes.  


While the ice cream is resting, wash and halve the apricots. Melt the butter in a frying pan over a medium heat and add the rosemary sprigs and apricots. Cook the apricots, stirring regularly. Add the brown sugar and leave to caramelise for a few minutes. Drizzle with the butter. 


Serve a scoop or quenelle of ice cream on each plate with some roasted apricots. 

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