Assiette de risotto à la française
17 h
Average: 2.8 (8 valoraciones)

French Beef Risotto

Made with Riz de Camargue PGI and French Charolais beef, this twist on a classic showcases the quality of French ingredients. Enjoy this refined dish from the comfort of your own home, perfect for a romantic meal or dinner with friends. 


3 h

Zutaten Für

  • 320 g
  • x 1
  • 10 g
  • Traditional shallots
    Traditionelle Schalotten
  • 2 L
  • 200 g
  • 40 g
  • 120 g
  • 2 g
  • For the meat:
  • 400 g
  • x 1
  • 200 ml
  • 200 g
  • 30 g
  • x 1
  • x 1



Chop the meat into small pieces and place in a bowl with the orange zest. Cover with the wine and leave to marinate for 12 hours.


Cut the vegetables into small pieces, sauté in a pan with the clarified butter and aromatic herbs, then add the drained meat and chilli. Sear the beef, deglaze with the marinade juices and allow to evaporate. Cover with the vegetable stock, season to taste and cook over a low heat for about 3 hours.


Cut the orange zest into julienne strips, boil in slightly sweetened water then cook on a high heat for 2 minutes and drain; if it tastes bitter, change the water and repeat.


Peel and finely dice the shallots, place in a small pan, cover with oil and cook over a low heat for about 15 minutes. Leave to cool, drain and put the oil to one side.


Heat half the water, remove from the heat, add the almonds and leave to stand for 2 hours, then mix with the remaining water and drain.


Toast the rice in a pan with the shallot-flavoured oil, cover with the hot almond milk and cook for 10 minutes. Season to taste and continue to cook. Remove from the heat then stir in the butter and grated cheese. Place on serving plates with the beef and orange zest then sprinkle over the spices.

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