Corn cream with popcorn and roasted kiwi
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Corn Cream With Popcorn And Roasted Kiwi

When you see the title, it's hard to visualize the combination of popcorn and burnt Adour kiwi. But we promise you won't regret trying this recipe! Here again we'll use the same whipped cream dispenser employed for the Haddock Mousse with SortedFood, but this time it's for a sweet recipe. It's important, of course, to clean it thoroughly between each use. What is great about Adour kiwi is that it is delicious in any version: raw, charred, sweet or salty. Taste it and see! A delicious wine pairing with muscadet from Vignobles Günther Chereau

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In a skillet, melt the butter and cook the popcorn kernels until they pop. It will taste like butter.


Peel the kiwis, cut them into quarters and singe them with a blowtorch. 


Sauté the chopped shallots, add the corn, sauté but do not brown. Add the cream and cook for 20 minutes. Let cool slowly, blend and pass through a strainer. Place in a whipped cream dispenser and keep warm.


Arrange the kiwi on the bottom of the plate. Pump the corn cream on top and sprinkle with popcorn and smoked paprika.  

Dazu passt

White Wine - Muscadet Sèvre et Maine sur Lie - Confluentia 

A dish with sweet and unctuous flavors (cream, butter) with the acidic touch brought by the kiwi, which will marry perfectly with the freshness, the richness and the attractive zesty and peppery finish of this Confluentia, Muscadet Sèvre et Maine sur Lie from Vignobles Günther Chereau in Loire Valley.

"The estate’s distinctively sloping terrain offers a stunning view across the entire vineyard and as far as the village of Saint Fiacre. Encircled by the Muscadet region’s two riversthe Sèvre and the Maine, our wines enjoy a microclimate that gives them great minerality and freshness."

Want to now more about them ? It's right here

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