Spargel „des Sables des Landes“
Nouvelle Aquitaine
Schon sein zarter cremefarbener Ton lässt einem das Wasser im Mund zusammenlaufen. Der Spargel „des Sables des Landes“ sorgt im Frühling charakteristisch für Raffinesse auf unseren Tellern … Und wir können ihn schon ab März genießen!
Das solltest du wissen
This is yet another vegetable that was made famous by Louis XIV! White Landes asparagus was grown in the king's garden in Versailles and served at his table as early as December. Today, it is just as sought after for its delicate texture and refined flavor. White Landes asparagus is one of the first fresh vegetables to appear in the spring and is harvested early at the start of March. The asparagus is harvested right at the moment when the underground shoot emerges from the sandflats in Landes. It can be recognized by its characteristic color—the entire length of the asparagus shoot is a pale cream hue. This crop is traditionally grown in the department of Landes, which is now the leading producer in France. The spear is thick and brittle, but never stringy once it is cooked.
If you're watching your figure, asparagus is a good choice because it is very low in calories. However, it is extra delicious when paired with a vinaigrette or Hollandaise sauce, which is much richer!
Gesundheitliche Vorteile
Very low in calories. Diuretic. Rich in fiber, provitamin A, and vitamins B9, C, and E.
Preparing PDO Whites Landes Asparagus
Wash the asparagus with water without submerging them. Then, with a vegetable peeler, peel them from 5 cm below the tip to the stalk.
The classic recipe of the Landes. Cook for 20 minutes in boiling salted water, or 25 minutes steamed: the stalk should be tender on the tip of a knife. After draining, they are immersed in a container filled with ice water and ice cubes to regain firmness. Serve hot with a sauce, vinaigrette or hollandaise sauce.
Tasting PDO White Landes Asparagus
They are eaten with the fingers, but delicately, dipping the asparagus tip in the sauce before bringing them to the mouth. The asparagus stalk is advanced until it reaches 2 cm from the stalk, which can be left on the edge of the plate, as it is usually too hard.
Storing PDO Whites Landes Asparagus
In the refrigerator drawer, they keep their freshness for three to five days in their packaging. If not packaged: Two days in a damp cloth. They can be frozen after soaking in boiling water for a few minutes, draining and drying on kitchen paper.
Dazu passt
Fleisch: getrocknete Entenbrust.
Wein: Cheverny Blanc AOC
Rezepte mit diesem Produkt

Zweierlei Spargel mit Oeuf mollet in Sojasauce
In Zusammenarbeit mit Fruit and Veg from France