Mont blanc
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Mont Blanc with Chestnut Cream

Indulge in the timeless elegance of Mont Blanc with Chestnut Cream, a classic French dessert steeped in history. Named after the snow-capped Mont Blanc, this delicacy features a delicate meringue base topped with whipped cream and French sweet chestnut purée (crème de marron). To create this stunning dessert, you'll need a reusable piping bag and a tip—we've chosen a vermicelli tip for the traditional look, but feel free to experiment with other shapes. Perfect for those seeking an authentic French dessert recipe, Mont Blanc is a must-try for any occasion.

Mont Blanc at Home: Mastering the Art of Chestnut Cream

Mont Blanc is all about the chestnut cream but making it truly exceptional requires attention to detail. Here are a few tips to get your chestnut cream just right :


Chestnut Selection: Start with high-quality chestnuts. Choose ones that are plump and have smooth, shiny shells. They should feel firm, not soft or shriveled, and have a sweet, earthy aroma. Fresh chestnuts are best, but if using tinned or jarred, ensure they are preservative-free. Roasting your chestnuts will enhance their nutty flavor, while boiling preserves a milder taste. Both make the chestnuts easier to peel and purée.


Purée Perfection: Peel the chestnuts carefully after roasting or boiling. For a silky purée, use a food mill to strain out any fibrous bits. A blender works too—blend in short bursts, scraping the sides for an even consistency. If you chestnut purée is too thick, you can try adding just a bit of water, cream, or rum to loosen it.


Sweetness and Flavourings: Adjust the sweetness of your purée to bring out the chestnut's natural flavor. Gradually add some sugar, tasting as you go. You can compliment the chestnut’s earthy notes with a little vanilla extract. Or you can experiment with a splash of dark rum, spices like cinnamon or nutmeg, or even liqueurs like Grand Marnier to add depth.

Ingredients For

  • For the shortbread biscuit: 
  • x 2
  • 120 g
  • Butter
    Charentes-Poitou Butter PDO
  • 190 g
  • 1 pinch
  • 1 sachet
  • x 4
  • For the whipped cream:
  • 30 cl
  • 25 g
  • For the chestnut vermicelli:
  • Creme fraiche in a bowl
    Isigny Crème Fraîche & Bresse Crème Fraîche PDO
  • Crème de marron
    Chestnut Cream
  • 300 g



Make the shortbread biscuits. Whisk the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl until they are white. Add the soft butter and mix. Add the flour, salt and baking powder. 


Mix until you have a smooth dough. Wrap in cling film and keep in a cool place.  


Preheat the oven to 180°C. Roll out the shortcrust pastry to a 5-mm thickness on a sheet of baking paper. Cut out round or star shapes from the pastry using cookie cutters.  


Place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake for 15 minutes. Leave to cool.


Make the chestnut vermicelli. Place the chestnut paste in a bowl and whisk it to incorporate some air. 


Add the chestnut cream and beat for another 10 minutes. Soften the mixture with the single cream. Place the mixture in a piping bag fitted with a vermicelli tip. 


Set aside in the refrigerator until ready to serve.  


Whip the cream with an electric whisk. Add the sugar little by little.  


Arrange a few pieces of meringue on the shortbread biscuits. Add a spoonful of whipped cream on top.  

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