Sandwich ossau raty
15 min
Average: 3.6 (7 votes)

Baguette Sandwich with Bayonne Ham and Ossau-Iraty

Here's a revisited version of the jambon-beurre you'll find in Parisian cafés. Here, the crusty baguette is back, and the white ham has been replaced by Bayonne ham, with the addition of Pyrenean ewe's milk cheese - Ossau-Iraty AOP - and a slightly spicy touch of yellow mustard.

Ingredients For



Cut baguette in half and open lengthwise. Spread bottom with yellow mustard.


Slice the cheese and tomatoes. Peel onion and slice thinly.


Place tomato slices on bottom of yellow mustard bread. Add onion slices.


Add the Bayonne ham and cheese, then the gherkins, halved lengthways. Serve immediately.

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